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Cost reduction synergies of this difficult to read, if the transportation as a starting point, Ye read good?

SHEN ZHEN ZHONGKUAI LOGISTICS CO., LTD. 人氣:1031 發(fā)表時間:2018-01-29
Every family has a sad idea, the logistics industry is no exception to this big family. Among them, how to reduce costs and increase efficiency is a very difficult to read through.
Especially into the era of mobile Internet today, the logistics industry has penetrated into all walks of life, how to help the logistics industry to reduce costs and increase efficiency, often also promote the cost-cutting efficiency of all industries.
However, on the logistics industry how to reduce costs and improve efficiency, over the years, has always been a dilemma, it is difficult for many experienced industry experts and business executives.
Comparison of logistics costs in China and the United States shows that China's logistics industry cost a long way to go
What is the essence of cost reduction and efficiency?
At present, the development of China's logistics industry presents three difficulties:
① China is in the mid-to-late period of industrialization, the share of tertiary industry needs to be improved, and the industrial structure needs to be optimized;
② China's production and consumption showed a reverse distribution, one side of the sea, land depth, industry distribution is not balanced;
③ The lack of integration of internal links, the external linkage with the lack of upstream industries, making the logistics chain is not smooth.
And this means that China's logistics costs have room for reduction, the trend of cost-effective logistics industry has emerged. among them:
On reducing costs, the essence is to reduce the total cost of social logistics, the successful control of the entire social logistics costs;
(2) On efficiency enhancement, the key point is to promote the transformation and upgrading of enterprises and to have the macroeconomic value of enhancing the overall efficiency and efficiency of economic operations.
At present, in order to reduce costs and increase efficiency, the State Department has also clearly defined its responsibilities, including departments such as the Ministry of Transport.
Transportation ye push forward logistics?
In fact, promoting transport reform can optimize logistics costs and efficiency because:
① logistics activities, the development of logistics functions, the expansion of logistics networks are inseparable from transport.
② In economic restructuring, logistics plays a strategic role in reducing costs and increasing efficiency. Transportation plays a fundamental and subjective role.
And its basic and main role is mainly reflected in:
① system design of transportation logistics supply structure;
② improve infrastructure network construction, effectively ensure the supply capacity;
③ promote advanced organizational model to promote the rational allocation of different modes of transport;
④ Carrying out the standardization of cargo vehicles and upgrading the level of modernization of transportation equipment;
⑤ Set up public transport logistics information platform;
⑥ promote the development of Minsheng Logistics.
What shortcomings of transportation?
Data show that as of the end of 2015:
① China's railways have a total mileage of 120,000 km;
② highway mileage exceeded 120,000 km;
③ Inland high-grade waterway mileage of 13600 kilometers.
The construction of these transportation infrastructures has actually promoted the cost reduction and efficiency enhancement of logistics.
However, in the whole logistics chain, the following shortcomings of transportation still exist:
① There are short boards in some areas and links of the logistics channel;
② hub node network structure is not perfect;
③ the level of organization of transport services is not high;
④ equipment and standardization of the relative lagging behind;
⑤ low level of information sharing.
At the same time, I must mention that there are still two major voices in the media environment:
① The proportion of transportation costs in logistics costs is "too high";
② highway toll is "raise" an important factor in logistics costs.
How to do cost reduction and efficiency?
How to do the future, a clear idea, it is crucial.
Among them, the general idea should be: adhere to the five development concepts, to reduce costs and increase efficiency as the main line, problem-oriented, driven by innovation, "four traffic" as a fundamental, follow the "big network, smooth convergence, multi-mode" Develop ideas, improve the overall efficiency and efficiency of logistics, expand effective supply.
And further ideas are:
① build a large network, including infrastructure networks, such as the network skeleton, the construction of microcirculation, and information platform network construction.
② achieve smooth connection, including international convergence, regional convergence, urban and rural convergence, industry convergence.
③ explore multi-mode, aiming to diversify the target - steady growth, structural adjustment, benefit people's livelihood; multi-layered content; diversification of forms.
What is the next concrete work?
With the general idea, we must gradually implement. So, the next step how to plan and layout, landing is also the key.
Here, we must focus on the following four aspects:
① integrated transport chain project: a. Vigorously develop multimodal transport; b. Speed up the popularization of road transport rejection; c. Promote the integration of urban and rural distribution.
(2) To expand the network of transportation chain projects: a. To further facilitate major logistics channels; (b) to promote the construction of freight hubs (logistics parks); (c) to improve the key hub-and-drain system; and (d) to promote the coordinated development of regional logistics.
③ modern transportation chain upgrading project: a. Improve the national public transport logistics information platform; b. To promote the standardization of freight vehicles; c. Enhance the level of transport intelligence.
④ Improve the soft power of the transportation chain: a. Increase the power of decentralization; b. Encourage the development of car-free carriers; c. Speed up the construction of a credit system in the transportation market; d. Explore policy innovations on toll road policies and road traffic management.
All in all, the development of transportation is a big move. It is about the better development of the logistics industry and the better realization of cost reduction and efficiency enhancement.
Each member of the logistics industry needs to pay attention to the formulation and implementation of the transport policy so as to seize the logistics opportunities under the great development of transportation.