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Five key actions to promote the logistics industry restructuring and upgrading cost reduction and efficiency.

SHEN ZHEN ZHONGKUAI LOGISTICS CO., LTD. 人氣:1062 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2018-01-29
Recently, in order to solve the outstanding problems of high cost and low efficiency in the field of logistics for a long time, vigorously promote the reduction and increase efficiency of the logistics industry and promote the transformation and upgrading of the logistics industry, the NDRC has formulated the "Special Plan of Action for Decreasing the Cost and Increasing the Efficiency of the Logistics Industry 2016-2018) ", has the consent of the State Council. (September 26, "China Securities News"

Logistics industry is a basic and strategic industry that supports economic and social development. It has huge market demand and vast space for development. Speeding up the development of the logistics industry is the key direction for promoting supply-side structural reforms and increasing the supply of public goods and public services. It is also an important means of expanding effective investment and promoting urban and rural residents' consumption. However, for a long time, the logistics industry has outstanding problems such as high cost and low efficiency. In order to effectively solve these problems, a special action plan has been formulated and five key actions have been taken to effectively promote the transformation and upgrading of the logistics industry and reduce costs and increase efficiency.

First, decentralization of authority, the establishment of a more open and standardized market new order.

    First, optimize the industry administrative approval. In accordance with the request of decentralization, decentralization and management, and optimization of service reform, the qualification certificates of logistics enterprises and logistics practitioners with the same or similar management targets and management matters should be cleared, merged and streamlined on the basis of ensuring the safety of production and operation of enterprises. Things after the regulatory. The second is to deepen reform in the areas of roads, railways and civil aviation. Optimize the administrative procedures for handling overloaded transportation of roads to improve the efficiency of examination and approval. Improve the integrity of cargo drivers management system, study and solve the problem of driver's credit results in different places. The third is to optimize the traffic control of vehicles. Guide around the city to carry out demand surveys and other forward-looking research. Enterprises engaged in the necessities of life, medicines, fresh agricultural products and refrigerated fresh products distribution, and the use of energy-saving and new energy vehicles engaged in distribution, giving priority to traffic convenience. Fourth, to facilitate the customs clearance of goods. We will implement the "one-window" construction and "one-stop homework" reforms to improve the efficiency of customs clearance by implementing the exchange of information, mutual recognition of supervision and recognition, and law enforcement and mutual assistance. Five is to raise the level of industry regulation. Relying on the national transportation logistics public information platform, the Bank strengthened the construction of big data platforms such as logistics operation monitoring and safety supervision. Through data collection, analysis and management, it strengthened the after-the-fact supervision and improved the logistics operation monitoring, forecasting and warning and public service capabilities.

Second, reduce taxes and fees, cultivate innovation and development of new momentum.

   First, improve the value-added tax policy in the field of logistics. Through a comprehensive push-out reform of pilot camps to further eliminate double taxation, expand the scope of deductible input tax for transportation and reduce the tax burden on enterprises. The second is to reduce the level of logistics enterprises transport charges. Amend the Regulations on the Administration of Toll Roads, and adjust and perfect the toll road policies so as to scientifically and reasonably determine the toll rates for vehicles. Gradually and orderly cancel the government repayment secondary highway toll, cancel the second-level maintenance of vehicles for mandatory testing. Third, regulate the field of logistics fees. Urging the ports, railways, aviation and other enterprises to strictly enforce the price tag system, the implementation of import and export link directory list system. Fourth, adjust and improve the relevant management policies. Implement the "Internet +" action requirements, improve the relevant logistics management policies, and encourage enterprises to carry out innovation. Support the development of car-free carrier based on Internet platform. Study and improve the individual taxpayers in the transport industry to open a special VAT invoice management system.

Third, to make up for short strong base, improve the efficient operation of logistics support facilities and standard system.

    First, establish and modern industrial system to match the logistics hub system. According to the requirements of serving the development of modern industry and the characteristic of clustering development of logistics industry around node cities and along traffic corridors, the paper studies the layout and construction planning of logistics hub facilities, uses advanced information technologies such as big data, scientifically measures the flow of goods and makes overall plans to promote Highway, railway, water transport, civil aviation and other infrastructure seamless convergence. Second, improve the effective standard of logistics system. Comprehensively sort out the national standards, industry standards and strengthen coordination in different fields, domestic and international standards. The third is to build a multi-modal transport system that operates efficiently. Relying on major international and domestic logistics channels, we will step up capacity expansion in busy areas, support the construction of a collection, distribution system in major ports and large-scale integrated logistics parks, and strive to solve the "last mile" problem. Fourth, improve the city logistics and distribution system. Optimize the layout of urban logistics infrastructure, improve the city distribution network. Promote the efficient transport links and urban distribution. Fifth, improve rural logistics and distribution network. The establishment of rural logistics alliances, promote logistics enterprises, e-commerce enterprises and postal enterprises, supply and marketing cooperatives and other full use of existing logistics resources to carry out in-depth cooperation and improve county logistics and distribution network.

Fourth, interoperability, the establishment of a new mechanism for cooperation and sharing and security.

    First, to promote the sharing of logistics information. Promote logistics activities information, data. Carry out application demonstration of big data of logistics and encourage big data sharing and cooperation among government and enterprises to provide basic support for improving the efficiency of logistics resources allocation. The second is to encourage innovation and development of information platform. The logistics information platform plays an important role in optimizing the integration of logistics resources, promoting information interoperability and improving the degree of logistics organization. It also supports the innovation and development of various specialized and distinctive logistics information platforms such as transportation and stowage, tracking and tracing, inventory monitoring, Provide traceability, data analysis, guarantee settlement, financing insurance, credit rating and other value-added services. Third, improve the integrity of the logistics industry system. Relying on the national credit information sharing platform and all kinds of industry credit information platform and specialized logistics information platform, we will strengthen the information sharing between the logistics industry and public security, industry and commerce, transportation and insurance sectors, establish credit information files for logistics practitioners and employees, and improve Logistics enterprises and related subjects of trustworthy incentive and dereliction of punishment mechanisms. Fourth, strengthen the logistics industry network security. Strengthen the information security level protection of key information infrastructures such as the national transportation logistics public information platform and implement various network security measures such as database security management to clarify the responsibility of network security and guarantee the data and information security.

Fifth, linkage and integration, build a win-win industrial chain new pattern. One is to promote the linkage between logistics and manufacturing.

    In combination with the strategic plan of "Made in China 2025", the Company encourages logistics enterprises to meet the needs of transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry, expands and enhances their comprehensive service capabilities, and provides manufacturing enterprises with sophisticated logistics services such as purchasing logistics, factory logistics, delivery logistics and recycling logistics, and reshaping business processes , Further reduce the cost of industrial logistics. The second is to promote the integration of transport logistics. Strengthen the linkages between logistics service facilities and transportation trunk lines, strengthen the connection between railways and port logistics bases and roads, promote the construction of a batch of special railways and highways into ports and the introduction of industrial park projects so as to improve the overall efficiency and service level. Third, promote the integration of commerce and trade and logistics. We will strengthen the application of technologies such as big data and cloud computing and explore a new model for the integration and development of "commerce + internet + logistics", enhance the capacity of logistics collaboration service, extend the service chain of commerce and trade, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry.

Of course, in this program, not only the specific objectives and tasks of each operation are clearly defined, but also the units responsible for the implementation and the deadline for implementation are specified. It can be said that the responsibility is limited to people and time, and the ultimate goal is to promote the transformation and upgrading of the logistics industry Reduce costs and increase efficiency. First, the logistics infrastructure convergence more smoothly. The initial formation of a rational layout, extensive coverage, convenient and efficient logistics infrastructure network, an important hub node logistics services more complete, more perfect distribution system in urban and rural areas. Second, the comprehensive competitiveness of logistics enterprises increased significantly. The integrated operation of logistics enterprises, network management ability was significantly enhanced, supply chain management service levels increased significantly, the formation of a number of advanced technology, model innovation, competitive comprehensive logistics service providers. Third, a wide range of modern logistics methods of operation. Multi-modal transport, hanging-off transport, co-distribution and other advanced logistics and transport organization to accelerate the development of things, big data and other advanced technologies are widely used, logistics format, a breakthrough model innovation, information technology, standardization, packaging level significantly improved. Fourth, further optimize the industry development environment. Tax, land and other policy support system more perfect, arbitrary charges, fines, the situation has been fundamentally changed. Fifth, the overall operation efficiency of logistics increased significantly. Total social logistics costs as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) dropped more than 1 percentage point from 2015; industrial logistics costs (the ratio of logistics costs to total sales) dropped from 8.9% in 2014 to about 8.5% Wholesale and retail enterprises logistics cost rate from 7.7% to 7.3% or so. By 2018, the logistics industry has made remarkable achievements in lowering costs and increasing efficiency, and has established a modern logistics service system that supports the efficient operation of the national economy.